by Kent
(Hag, Md, USA)
28 June 2011
Ok, first I have not yet actually built a hydro generator, my connection is too slow. I have to wait about 10 mins to see 3 mins of video, and am very poor, limiting my ability to waste materials on trials of expensive metals.
I have mostly been experimenting with 57 cent regular steel plates from Lowes. I bought 5 of them that are actually the cover plates for household electrical junction boxes, sitting in a lunchmeat tub full of water.
Very crude I know, but cant afford much else yet. What I have discovered is I can now watch some DVDs I bought from Knowledgepublications a few years ago. The new info I have gained is that aluminum holds and releases hydrogen more rapidly than the steel. I hooked up one steel plate to positive, and a cut up and connected an aluminum can to the negative, since the negative gives off the hydrogen.
Originally, the can was cut into about a 4 inch square and flattened. I had regular tap water in the tub, with no catalyst( salt or baking soda )and noticed the edges where I cut the can were fogging off hydrogen and releasing it easier, with the flat larger surfaces bubbling but seeming to hold onto the bubbles. So I cut several slits in the aluminum square, and suddenly could see better results and hear it hissing as the hydrogen broke the top of the water.
At the end of the day, is about how to create hydrogen from solar power to bacteria! What is the coolest way you have discovered in making hydrogen?