Saltwater Hydrogen through Radio Frequency Generator

Saltwater hydrogen production using Radio Frequency RF) generator. This was accidentally discovered by John Kanzius, a retired TV station owner and broadcast engineer of Erie, Pennsylvania, who was suffering from cancer. In his quest to cure his illness, he planned to inject tumors with metal ions, then use radio waves to heat the metal and destroy cancerous cells.

With a suggestion of a friend, he tried to use the energy in the radio waves to desalinate saltwater. When the saltwater was placed in the path of the waves the water was split into its molecular forms, and hydrogen was release. As a result, the test tube caught fire. Not burning the water itself but the hydrogen that was coming out.

Chemist, Dr. Rustum Roy, of Penn State University, held a demonstration at the Materials Research Laboratory in State College, to confirm the validity of the discovery. He said that the radio frequency waves actually weakens bonds of the chemicals in saltwater and releases the hydrogen. When ignited, hydrogen burns while the saltwater is continuously exposed to the RF energy.

saltwater burning

Watch the videos below:

Mr. Kanzius tried to power a Stirling machine (as you can see in the video), with the energy coming directly from the test tube. at some point of trials done, burning saltwater hydrogen grew hot enough to melt the test tube.

Efficiency wise, it isn't yet practical for energy generation for as long as more energy is consumed by the RF device that is produced for burning.

Here are some of the calculations presented:

*started at around 76 percent of Faraday's theoretical limit

*"Other Hydrogen-from-Water methods, such as the one being pursued by Bob Boyce, are approaching 7x Faraday."

*"They subsequently quietly reported that they surpassed 100% efficiency, which would mean that the system is somehow harnessing environmental energy such as from the zero point or some other yet-to-be discovered phenomenon."

Mr. Kanzius passed away on Feb. 19, 2009.

Although the discovery has been awhile now, I would always wonder what were the steps taken with such discoveries, including the Cornish Hydrogen, or to Mr. Daniel Dingle's invention and the many more ways in making hydrogen.

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