Video of Jack Nicholson Car That Runs on Hydrogen in 1978.
Here is a unique, vintage video of a major celebrity in California that was driving his car around in 1978 powered by hydrogen made from solar power! He is driving a standard Chevy car with gas tank removed. Hydrogen tanks are in place of the gas tank. Hydrogen is injected into the modified carburetor instead of gasoline. The exhaust is water.
The solar power plant is not on the car. Rather it is at the hydrogen production plant. The solar power is passed through water to produce hydrogen. The hydrogen is then placed in special storage tanks. The idea was/is to setup hydrogen fuel service stations not owned by oil companies.
Hydrogen would be combined with metal in a white, inert powder which makes it explosion resistant.
Jack sounded and looked very optimistic about the future of using hydrogen produced by solar power.
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At the end of the day, is about how to create hydrogen from solar power to bacteria! What is the coolest way you have discovered in making hydrogen?