Can hydrogen nanotechnology split water into hydrogen more effectively than other methods?
Watch the video below to learn of the possibilities.
You can make chemical reactions happen that wouldn't occur on the larger scale of things. Therefore, there is the hope that the production of hydrogen can occur with a more theoretical loss in energy to split water into hydrogen and oxygen as an example.
"At the nanoscale, the physics and chemistry of materials change. Emerging Science joins Walter Varhue, professor of electrical engineering at the University of Vermont, as he proposes to use materials at the nanoscale, in the presence of water and sunlight, to split water into hydrogen and oxygen. This process could lead to the creation of cheap, clean energy, a promising component of the hydrogen economy" - VermontPublicTV
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At the end of the day, is about how to create hydrogen from solar power to bacteria! What is the coolest way you have discovered in making hydrogen?