3 Videos: Hydrogen Generator Plans With Stainless Steel Pipes
Learn how to make the generator with stainless steel pipes properly fitted and measured with a caliper. And how to install the spacers properly to avoid shorting the pipes for maximum hydrogen production.
Watch how to finish building the HHO unit with pipes.
Watch how he has it installed in his car. This guy seems to know what he is doing. He explains in a clear voice that is easy to understand.
A viewer of his 3rd video had this question to ask:
"how often do you have to refill the generator that you use in your car? does your car run only on hydrogen? or you help the gasoline burn better with H2? anyway i will star building a HHO generator myself, it seems a very interesting thing."
His answer is as follows:
"I fill the unit every 200 miles, or so. This generator helps the gasoline to burn better, getting me ~ 35% better fuel efficiency. If you are going to build a generator, you may want to try an easy design.....like a dry cell. This design works well for me and thanks for your questions."
- Source: OriginalUncleNemo who is the builder of this HHO Hydrogen Generator and 3 part video series. Thank you from Making-Hydrogen.com
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