Hydrogen Generator Dry Cell Videos

Hydrogen Generator Dry Cell Videos - Learn How To Build and How They Work!

HHO Dry Cell - Cool music while watching!
This "Dry Cell" has, "29 plates 6x6 40 ml gaskets I put the tubes inside the holes +nnn-nnn+nnn-nnn+nnn-nnn+nnn- 7 cells" - ssfuturescott (The builder of this cell) "I think when the generator has be running hot for a while the gaskets will compress a little making your bolts a little loose. I had to tight down mine every time I ran the cell for a while until the gaskets stopped compressing. I also recommend putting a cookie sheet under the cell so if it does leak over night it is caught by the pan. It happened to me and what a mess." - PeteDog444 (Another builder of the HHO Dry Cell Units)
HHO Dry Cell in Action!
Operates at 12.13 Volts, 18 Amps - Takes 19.7 seconds to fill 1/2 of a liter? Watch the bottle rise up in the black tube.

Regulate the Dry Cell with a PWM to control the current
The above video is a prototype that the builder is eventually installing in their vehicle along with a dry cell they built. An HHO Install on a 1999 Chevy Truck - Hopefully it works being installed in such a nice truck!
Towards the very end of this video is the HHO Dry Cell that he built. You can kind of see it at the bottom of his truck if you look closely!

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