Hydrogen Generator 555 Timer MOSFET IRF510

Build a Hydrogen Generator 555 Timer MOSFET IRF510.  Watch the video below.

I built this circuit and generator with parts I obtained at Radio Shack and The Home Depot in August 2008. The "electrodes" are stainless steel bolts. They won't rust. I've used small $.49 clamps to hold the bolts in place on the container.

VERY IMPORTANT FOR BEGINNERS! THE BOLTS DO NOT TOUCH!! Let me repeat, the bolts MUST NOT touch or you'll short your circuit. There is a water gap between the stainless steel bolts.

This circuit can be a great way for people to begin experimenting without becoming too overwhelmed with the complexities of other more advanced designs. After you feel comfortable in building this circuit you may want to experiment with more advanced plans.

As you can see, this circuit does produce hydrogen.  This circuit might be the stepping stone for you to discover a much better way of making hydrogen in the future.  If you do, I'd love to hear about it! 

I'm not convinced that this circuit is going to give you better gas mileage in your car.  At least with the way the circuit is right now. 

Why don't I make it better?  Well, I'm working on that plus I only have so much time and energy.  Maybe you will figure it out and share with me what you find and I'll put it on this site so others can learn too? 

Why would you want to build this?  Because the parts can be easily obtained and this circuit can help you gain experience in building much better projects.  You've got to start somewhere in making projects to produce hydrogen.

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