Hydrogen Fuel Cell Cars

Hydrogen Fuel Cell Cars most run in the streets of Los Angeles where mostly of the hydrogen fueling stations can be found.  So, before you can use a fuel cell car, hydrogen should be produced first in many different ways (electrolysis, steam reforming, photolysis, chemical reaction, gasification of biomass, bacteria and algae, etc.) and then you're ready to go!

That is because a fuel cell in a fuel cell car does not produce the hydrogen, it only converts the hydrogen gas, contained in high pressured tank that's on board, with oxygen into electricity. And that same electricity runs the motor that propels the car.

Hydrogen fuel cell vehicles are claimed to be CO2 emission free.

So what comes first, hydrogen production or fuel cell cars? It's actually like the "chicken or the egg syndrome".

Our options:

*wait for car manufacturers to make both hydrogen and fuel cell cars, or

*we produce both at home with DIY conversion technologies

Here's looking inside a manufactured fuel cell car...

schematic of a hydrogen fuel cell car

And the DIY hydrogen car possibilities:

So, which way we should go?

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