Hydrogen Electrolysis

A basic experiment with hydrogen electrolysis can be demonstrated very simply with a glass, salt water, two pencils sharpened on both ends to expose the graphite, a 9 volt battery, two alligator clips.

Watch a Video of an experiment that is fully based on the Tadahiko Mizuno cold fusion plasma electrolysis experiment from the University of Hokkaido in Japan. Really Cool to Watch and listen to!

Watch a Video of a Truck Powered on Just Water with the help of Sunshine! Cool Concept!

Water to Hydrogen Exploration

3 gallons of water and can drive a hydrogen fuel cell vehicle as far as a vehicle travels today on a gallon of gasoline.

CAUTION! Do not breathe the fumes or place your face by the water. Don't drink the water either. Just use common sense of observing and taking notes from a distance for your safety!

Pour water into the glass. Place a little salt or baking soda in the water and stir. Place both pencils in the water in a vertical manner. Attach the ends of the alligator clips onto the tops of the pencils. Attach the other ends of the alligator clips onto the 9 volt battery terminals.

July 23rd 2008, I built and filmed these 4 step by step videos for a home made device that works!

This is a basic experiment that you should be able to do safely at home. But, be very careful. If in doubt ask your science teacher or parent if you are not sure about doing this safely. Safety is the utmost importance.

Have fun and write down what you learn!

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