Feasibility of Hydrogen Car Conversion

Hydrogen Car Conversion or converting cars into hybrid vehicles does not really mean converting your car's fuel from gasoline to water. It is about adding a HHO generator into the car to facilitate 30 - 50% gas savings and an increasing mileage. And the HHO or Brown's Gas, which is a stable and clean type of gas compound, will be generated from water. This works by diverting some current from your car's battery to a mixture of water and an electrolyte (sodium bicarbonate or baking soda) to break the water into hydrogen, oxygen and HHO.

The good thing about HHO burning is that it is claimed to have zero carbon emission. (So they say)

As you can see in the schematics the HHO gas is fed into the HHO vehicle's intake system and combined with air/fuel mixture to create a cleaner, cooler, more efficient burning of chemical mixture. It's money saver and helps the environment.

Below are images of typical components of a basic HHO generator:

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