Home Made Hydrogen Generator. Are you yourself having a hard time deciding whether to buy one or build your own?
I first took an interest in computers, chemistry, electronics, snowmobiles and motorcycles when I was around 7th grade along with alternative energy back in the 1980's when I was in junior high school.
In 8th grade my friend Todd and I won the Roy Junior High School science fair for our division. We went onto Weber State College and placed there. Close to our booth was another fellow student from another junior high school that had a wood burning engine! Todd and I were both amazed that that was even possible. I don't know what the outcome of that other students wood burning engine science project, but it sure was impressive to even think that was possible. As I recall, that was my first exposure to alternative energy. In addition to building a home made hydrogen generator, I think Tesla projects would be fun to build.
This eBook I'm recommending below I think expresses the curiosity that we all once felt when younger and even now to this day. That is what are the various ways to produce electricity and hydrogen that is more efficient than before? For me it was the hope of that along with a large sense of excitement to simply "build the project" to see if it would just work!
Around October 2007, when I first began researching articles, YouTube videos, experimenting with various projects in the creation of Making-Hydrogen.com, I once again felt that sense of excitement of building projects just for the fun of it and the wonder of what if? Could it really work? I hadn't even heard of a home made hydrogen generator until that time. I hope you enjoy the eBook below that appears to re-capture that curiosity that we all once had and hopefully still have when we first began our quest in making hydrogen and exploration of alternative energy beyond the normal ways we see in use today.
Remember this: It took Thomas Edison numerous times to perfect the light bulb. But he persisted until he discovered what worked and what didn't. So, in exploring this eBook maybe you too can persist until whatever it is finally works. At the very least you can have fun building the project(s) as you explore more ways of creating electricity for your electrolyzer in the building of a home made hydrogen generator.
Stainless steel switch plate covers with magnet in black strip
Stainless steel switch plate covers
Hydrogen generator experiment using stainless steel switch plate covers
-Source of Pictures from HydroPowerCar
The following could be some of the reasons why.
1. Hydrogen Explodes and for that, very dangerous
It's ok. This first one is a natural occurring perception. It goes with our instincts to protect ourselves from a possible danger. And because there is a degree of truth to it. But like any other fuel or gasses, it needs proper handling and safety measures should always to be considered.
But try considering these.
*Almost all sites in the web that talks about alternative fuel would argue that hydrogen is safer than any other gas.
*Like propane, hydrogen has been widely used. There are more than 200 fueling stations around the world.
*Hybrid cars/trucks are running on the road, even while you're reading this page.
*Honda itself is gearing toward prodcution of its Homefueler or home hydrogen generator.
*A lot of companies, besides Honda, like PowerAvenue and AirGen Corporation, and universities are experimenting on catalytic substances, fuel cells, solar electrolyzers to produce hydrogen on demand.
2. Hydrogen production is not effecient
Unlike fossil fuel, hydrogen can be produce anywhere as long as there's is water. And we all know 70% of the Earth is water. This reality simply cuts transport cost for delivery of hydrogen to point of use. This will also dissolve our dependency to oil companies. Those are two immediate or short term effect for having home made hydrogen generator. The long term one is humanity's gain over a well preserved environment. So over time we actually gain more.
3. Hydrogen is too expensive
My initial reaction to this is, no, Hydrogen is cheap. We drink it everyday. Plant, trees, bacteria can produce hydrogen and it has been claimed to increase mileage in cars. Cutting transport and storage in hydrogen-on-demand production will make it cheaper.
What makes it expensive right now is that there is not much incentives to produce the fuel and of selling it since appliances and vehicles are not widely available.
The same happens with the production of the hydrogen or water powered appliances and vehicles since the fuel is not widely available and affordable too.
In essence, we just got to make hydrogen production home based.
Try our hydrogen generator free plans in this site.
Here are some other breakthroughs on hydrogen generation that could help you decide to build your home made hydrogen generator.
*A group of scientist is trying to mimic a 3 billion-year process of producing hydrogen-Photosynthesis. Professor Leone Spiccia, Mr Robin Brimblecombe and Dr Annette Koo from Monash University teamed with Dr Gerhard Swiegers at the CSIRO and Professor Charles Dismukes at Princeton University.
It was Professor Charles Dismukes who tried to copy the so called manganese cluster that is responsible for plants to be able to utilize water, carbon dioxide and sunlight to produce carbohydrates and oxygen.
*Gratzel Cell, a more-efficient solar cell that was developed years ago claimed to be more efficiency in splitting water into hydrogen and oxygen using visible light or the ordinary sunlight.
The previous photooxidation technology had an external quantum efficiency of about 37 percent. The new one's efficiency is 42 percent.
*German-American consortium of BMW, DaimlerChrysler and General Motors are now developing a new type of two-mode hybrid system for a wide range of cars, trucks and SUVs.
These new hybrid versions is said to get 25 percent better mileage.
Build your homemade hydrogen generator for a better and more established hydrogen economy.
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brown sludge in my hydrogen foam and gell Not rated yet
In 2007 i made a hydrogen generator in my garage and always produced clear white foam and gell.Wile during a move i put the generator in to storage and …
At the end of the day, Making-Hydrogen.com is about how to create hydrogen from solar power to bacteria! What is the coolest way you have discovered in making hydrogen?