Build Hydrogen Generator that Runs Car with Water

Build Hydrogen Generator as Daniel Dingel of the Philippines did to his car, and other inventors like Dennis Klien, Stanley Meyer, Ronn Maxwell owner of Ronn Motors, and more of them on youtube.  Some of these inventors are only for entertainment and possibly some educational value since they just don't seem to be able to really prove their inventions actually work! Will the real inventors step up and PROVE their inventions really do what they claim?  Frustrating, but anyway it is entertaining!

Their inventions are based on hydrogen on demand concept usually using tumbler-like gadget inserted in the hood of the car that produces HHO or hydroxy gas sprayed into the combustion mechanism and the car runs. It's either using electrical pulse or simply electricity to fracture water into its base elements, and/or using chemical and metallic reactors, such as magnesium and salt water, for splitting water into hydrogen and oxygen.

Watch this series of videos on HHO fueled cars.

Stan Meyer's Water Car: 

Note: I'm not convinced that his dune buggy is really running off water or whatever it is he's claiming.  But nice concept of that possibility, right? What's with the guy hanging off the side of the car? LOL

Dennis Klien's 1994 Ford Escort:

Daniel Dingel's Car:

Note: Does your car really do what is claimed?  You sure about that? 

Ronn Motors' 200 mph Hybrid - The Scorpion Supercar:

Note: Ronn Motors was shut down by the IRS for not paying a tax lien? Anyway, nice car!

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